Picture taken at Rennes in Summer 2019

Zhong Li

The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)

Leiden University

Office 169, Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333CA, Leiden, The Netherlands

Email: z.li@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

[LinkedIn] [GitHub] [Google Scholar] [Zhihu (知乎)

Short Bio

My name is Zhong Li, and I am a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Leiden University, affiliated with the EDA Lab. I am fortunate  to be supervised  by Dr. Matthijs van Leeuwen (daily supervisor, promotor) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäck (promotor). Besides, I worked as a visiting PhD researcher in the DAML group at Technical University of Munich in 2024, supervised by Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann.  

(I am actively looking for postdoc/industrial positions. Please let me know if you have any opportunities.)

Research Interests: 

I am interested in the field of Data Mining and Machine Learning. During my PhD, I work on trustworthy anomaly detection, with a focus on but not limited to complex data such as event sequence and graph-structured data for smart manufacturing.

More concretely, I aim to improve the accuracy (namely make anomaly detection models more accurate, especially with high-dimensional, unstructured, multimodal data), explainability (namely make anomaly detection models more understandable for humans) and generalizability (namely make anomaly detection models work reliably under changing conditions such as data distribution shifts, uncharted hyperarameter configurations, and the presence of adversarial perturbations) of anomaly detection methods.

Research Keywords: 


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